Art Schools
Langley Fine Arts School
elementary, secondary levels
9096 Trattle Street
Fort Langley, BC
V1M 2S6
(604) 888-3113
Emily Carr University
520 East 1st Ave.
Vancouver B.C.
V5T 0H2
(604) 844-3800
The Art Institute of Vancouver
2665 Renfrew St
Vancouver, BC
(604) 683-9200
The Visual College of Art and Design
626 Pender St W #500
Vancouver, BC
1 800-356-8497
UVIC Fine Arts
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2
Fine Arts 1-250-721-7755
TWU: Arts, Media & Culture
Trinity Western University
7600 Glover Road
Langley, BC V2Y 1Y1
UBC Art History and
Visual Art Department
University of British Columbia
Department of Art History,
Visual Art and Theory
403 - 6333 Memorial Road
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada V6T 1Z2
Phone: 604-822-2757
UFV Arts
University of the Fraser Valley
College of the Arts
33844 King Road
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada V2S 7M8
Phone: 604-504-7441
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The Mission of Art
The mission of art, and that of the Waterhouse Gallery is to experience revelation. Document its vision. Express inspiration. Translate the universal consciousness into images, objects, and words. Preserve the artefacts and expression of skilled creativity. Practice to achieve the excellence of craft, medium, and learned word both in solitude and side by side with others.